News(latter) : #4

Calico cat
2 min readMay 24, 2024


The universe was created by grand design, gravity plays a harmonizing role in the you-niverse.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

After cesium desided to compose a poetry, irregular line are created in limited verses and it will only be read once. We all know gravity right? Even though it has been judged as a weak force, gravity was present from the beginning, help to string the words to be wrriten.

Cesium never refil his ink, so i asked about unfinished verse “can i continuing this page, Mr. Cesium?” (little bit coquettish) no response, i just heard the ticking of the clock.

“Hallo Mr. Cesium!! I thought i know the composition of the WE!! Didn’t you write me and his name in the previous line? why hasn’t it been continued? Do you belive me to take your pen?”

Still no response,

“but i see the helix nebulae settle in his eyes and i was attracted by his gravity, hallo Mr. Cesium? oh probably you gave him the pen, right?”

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Definitely, cesium creates multiple verses at the same time, are you sure read your name in the same line with the you-niverse? Have you never heard about a body lost in its own orbit? If we talking about probabilty, maybe you read two lines that are overlapping.

“Hallo again Mr. cesium.. if you postpone the verse, can you whisper the next verse? I promise i can keep it a secret”

“i dont want to hand over to Mr. Carbon, cause i will out of my time”

“I’ll buy a glass of water for you, Mr. Cesium”

Photo by Mike Marrah on Unsplash

“Im pretty sure, i fall in his eyes yesterday and decided not looking for a way to regardless of gravity”

You know? Thats why we call gravity as a fundamental. He has a lot of job, connecting the verse, ensure working in multiple time, confirm the poetry was beautifull and keep it, and it turns out that still have to take a part in the story of people who are falling in love-even though gravity doesn’t understand that-

Have you heard Mr. Gravity falling with -something in the universe-?? Like me falling with You-niverse?

